Small Business Katie Zabarauckas Small Business Katie Zabarauckas

Ask These Questions Before Working With Your Potential Website Designer

You’ve been waiting to work with a website designer to create your dreamy new website and you’re wondering how you should prepare to work with a new website designer, and what questions you should ask before you hire them for the project.

Today we’re covering what questions to ask — make sure you have a notebook or new Google Doc ready to make your own list!

Plus, we delve into what to expect on a consult call, and the red flags you shouldn’t ignore before making your decison.

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Small Business Katie Zabarauckas Small Business Katie Zabarauckas

Why You Deserve A Website And How To Get It (Including 5 Questions To Ask Before You Start)

Your website has become one of those tasks on your to-do list that keeps getting pushed back. Maybe you’re waiting for the perfect time to start, or you’ve created your own and thought about working with a designer or maybe you already have a website but are ready to revamp it.

One thing is for sure, often times we put off projects, especially big projects because of the time or money involved. Both of which are precious resources when you run your own business.

Today I’m sharing questions to ask yourself when considering if now is the right time for your website and my latest self-investment project.

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Squarespace, Small Business Katie Zabarauckas Squarespace, Small Business Katie Zabarauckas

How to Connect Covertkit to Your Squarespace Website: So You Can Deliver Your Email List Freebie (Lead Magnet)!

If you’ve recently decided to create an email freebie to start collecting emails and growing your list, you might have noticed that ConvertKit is not listed as a storage option in Squarespace.

If you’ve already signed up for ConvertKit, signing up for another newsletter tool like Mailchimp or Mailerlite is not at the top of your to-do list. because you’re a busy small business owner and pouring more time into choosing a different platform for your email list is not an option for you. You’re on a mission to are ready to get started on growing your email list.

This post walks you through the steps of connecting ConvertKit to Squarespace’s Promotional Pop-up.

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Small Business Katie Zabarauckas Small Business Katie Zabarauckas

Activities To Do With Kids During The Summer So You Can Still Run Your Small Business (& Work From Home)

When kids are home, running your small business and finding the time to work feels pretty impossible. You swear every time you wake up your computer to start working, it feels like everything just goes wild - kids asking for another snack, siblings fighting over the same toy, it’s well, exhausting.

You’re feeling behind and wonder “How do I do it all?”

Take a deep breath in and out…

Grab 5 minutes to yourself and take a quick peek at my list of 20 activities to entertain your family this summer break, including activities that take less than 20 minutes to set up and allow your kids to play independently while you crush your work.

You’ll want to read to the end because I share how I’ve started planning my business so that I can take summers off with the kids (relatively) stress-free and how I’ve been able to stay consistent working less than 20 hours per week.

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Small Business Katie Zabarauckas Small Business Katie Zabarauckas

How to work from home with toddlers

Let’s face it, as dreamy as it is working at home. Doing it with toddlers can be overwhelming. This is the mom entrepreneur’s guide to being more productive while working from home with little ones and hopefully not feeling as stressed.

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