The Benefits of a Consult Call for Mom Entrepreneurs: Everything You Need to Know Before Working With a Designer


So you’ve browsed around my website, and maybe you saw some posts talking about my two-week process and that’s got you feeling interested in what it would be like to work with me (it’s kinda awesome, buuuut I’m kinda biased 😜

All jokes aside, deciding to take the leap and invest in your website is a big deal! 

Whether you’ve played around with building your own website or you know you want to work with a designer right off the bat, this is the next step for you.

How to book a consult call with Simply by Katie

To book a consult call with Simply by Katie, you can hit any of the green buttons on my website that says ‘book consult call now’. 

That’s going to take you to a Booking Inquiry Form, now I don’t want this form to scare you away. It’s simply a way for me to gather a little information about you, your business and your dreams for your new website. 

I use the form as a way to figure out if we will be a good fit (I’ll go more on this a little later). 

Go ahead and fill out the form.

Once you’ve completed and sent the form, you’ll be redirected to my scheduler (I’m testing out the new beta scheduler in Dubsado, so let me know if there are any kinks when booking - send a quick email to

Choose a date and time that works for you and you’re booked! 🎉

You will receive an email confirmation with call details and more information for you to prepare for the call (P.S don’t forget to add the call to your calendar.)

Go ahead and use this link to book your call 😊

How to best prepare for the consult call

A couple of days before the call I highly recommend brainstorming some questions to ask me. 

Write down all the different questions that come to mind when it comes to building your website. 

This is a chance to talk (virtually) face to face, thank you technology!

Your website is a big investment and I so understand that uneasy feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you’re about to make a big decision. That’s why I meet with all my clients before any money is exchanged and contracts are signed.

You need to know that I’m the right designer for your website. That’s why I love this opportunity to talk to all my clients!


Is Squarespace is the right platform for my business?

Will you be able to easily manage your website once it's all designed?

You’re wondering how much support you’ll receive during the two-week process. Do you have to clear your schedule? Or is this something you can fit into your already busy schedule?

What content are you responsible for preparing?

Do I like the design aesthetic of the designer?

These are all questions that we dive into on our call.

You need to feel reassured that at the end of our two weeks together you’re going to have a website that is designed in line with industry standards & that it's somewhere you are PROUD to send clients to.

Additional questions to think about

Since starting my web design journey just over a year ago, I’ve made it my mission to help moms get their website built in an approachable step-by-step process. 

There are a lot of moving parts to a website but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Part of building a website is making sure it functions the way you need it to.

So this is the part where you get to dream up YOUR PERFECT WEBSITE.

Here’s a place where you can start…

How do you want clients to work with you?

Do you want to connect your contact form & scheduler?

What feel do you want clients landing on your website for the first time to feel?

What services and packages do you offer?

Do you already have a logo and dedicated brand fonts & colors?

What brands do you follow and what do you love about them?


Notes about how to have a productive call

To make the most out of our call, I recommend having a quiet spot for our call, it shouldn’t last longer than 30 minutes because I know you’re busy and most likely are on a time limit with the kids in the background. 

With that being said, life happens! 

If the family pet and kids make it to the call, I’m here for it! 

Calls are booked during the day and I also run my business from home so I get it. 

It’s highly likely one of my own littles will make an appearance. 

Please don’t stress! It’s all part of running a business from home with kids.

What to expect on the consult call

Today is call day!

You’ve got your favorite drink and hand, a notebook full of questions.

You’re feeling both excited and nervous. 

You think to yourself ‘is this going to be a good fit?’

A calendar reminder pops up on your laptop so you head over to the zoom link. You just realized you’ve been holding your breath and let out a big sign when I open the call and say a welcoming hello!

The call will start off with me telling you the agenda, it goes a little something like this - “hey! I’m so glad you could make it today! This call will only take 30 minutes of your time. 

We’ll start off by me asking you a few questions about your business and what you’re looking for in your new website, then you’ll have a chance to ask me some questions.

Finally, I will tell you a little bit more about my two-week process and what’s included in the Simply Website at which point you’ll have a chance to reserve your design spot”

Easy peasy, lemon squeasy! Just like that, you’re closer to achieving your brand new website and I love that for you!

Moving forward after the call

If you said yes on the call, I’ll be sending you an invoice with the booking fee due and a contract. 

All design periods are secured upon the payment of the $1,000 deposit and a signed contract.

Once the invoice is paid and the contract is signed you’ll receive a welcome email from yours truly with a welcome package that walks you through all the different pieces of content you’ll need to provide prior to our design time starting. 

If you’re not quite ready to book at the end of the call, it’s all good!

I’ll follow up with you within 48 hours and invite you to book your design spot.

Before our design time, you’ll hear from me a couple of times with reminders for upcoming due dates.

If at any time you are feeling stuck or in a state of information overload, please reach out to me and I’ll be more than happy to help you. I’m always available via email at

If you missed the link before, here it is again to book your consult call.

Frequently asked questions

Q: How soon can I work with you?

Take a look at my availability here

See a spot that you want to snag? Complete this booking inquiry form & schedule a free consult call.

Q: How long will it take for my website to be complete?

Two weeks! 

To allow for a quick turn around I work with one client at a time. During our two weeks, you’ll have my full attention in completing your website, and you’ll have the added bonus of knowing the exact launch date for your website!

All content is collected prior to our design date but don’t worry, you don’t have to have all your content together before your consult call.

I’ve curated a resource of all the important pieces that make up your website including photos, copy & legal policies necessary for your website to launch.

Q: What’s included in my package?

  • A fully customized and mobile-responsive website of up to 10 pages

  • Basic SEO optimization

  • Your website optimized for both mobile & desktop

  • Integration of contact forms, scheduler & email marketing software

  • Unlimited revision

You can find the FULL package info over on the work with me page > I’ll link it right here for you!

Q: How much does a website cost?

Pricing starts at $3,000. 

This includes a fully custom + branded 5 page website built on Squarespace 7.1.

Q: Do I need to make a deposit to reserve my two-week website?

In order to reserve your design time, there is a $1,000 non-refundable deposit required. 

Q: How far in advance should I book?

I’d suggest giving yourself at least one month to gather your content and a little longer if outsourcing your photography and copy. With that being said, I’ve also had clients whip up everything in a week or two! 

Q: Do you offer payment plans?

I completely understand that investing in your website is, well, a huge investment and I want to make sure it's something that fits with as many of my mama entrepreneurs' budgets as possible. The standard payment agreement requires a $1,000 deposit with the remainder of the invoice split into two payments —  one on our design start date and the other on the final day. 

Simply by Katie also offers to option to spread out your payments over 3 or 6 months after you’ve made your $1,000 deposit.

Q: What if I can’t get all my content ready for my design time, is it possible for my project to be pushed back?

In situations where you are unable to collect all your content, you’ll be asked to rebook your design time for the next available time in my calendar, along with making an additional booking deposit of $1,000.

 It is important to me to respect all of my clients’ reserved design time and investment in me as their designer.

Asking these questions is a good sign you’re ready for the next step toward your new website!

We’ll talk soon, if you have any questions please feel free to send me an email over at

Annndd before you go, make sure to book your call!



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