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Frequently Asked Questions

 Q: How do I work with you?

To get started, complete this booking inquiry form, followed by booking your free consult call. Once we’ve chatted and both feel like our collaboration will be a good fit, you will have the opportunity to secure your website design time on my calendar & make your initial 30% payment!

Q: How far in advance should I book?

I’d suggest giving yourself at least one month to gather your content and a little longer if outsourcing your photography and copy. With that being said, I’ve also had clients whip up everything in a week or two! 

Q: How long will it take for my website to be complete?

Two weeks! 

To allow for a quick turn around I work with one client at a time. During our two weeks, you’ll have my full attention in completing your website, and you’ll have the added bonus of knowing the exact launch date for your website!

All content is collected prior to our design date but don’t worry, you don’t have to have all your content together before your consult call - I’ve curated a resource of all the important pieces that make up your website including photos, copy & legal policies necessary for your website to launch.

Q: What is included in my package?

A fully customized and mobile-responsive website of up to 5 pages

  • Basic SEO optimization

  • Your website optimized for both mobile & desktop

  • Integration of contact forms, scheduler & email marketing software

  • Unlimited revision

You also have the option to add on copywriting, branding and additional pages.

You can find the FULL package info over on the websites page > I’ll link it right here for you!

Q: How much does a website cost?

Pricing starts at $3,250 CAD. This includes a fully custom + branded 5 page website built on Squarespace 7.1.

Q: What if I can’t get all my content ready for my design time, is it possible for my project to be pushed back?

In situations where you are unable to collect all your content, you’ll be asked to rebook your design time for the next available time in my calendar, along with making an additional booking deposit of $250.

It is important to me to respect all of my clients’ reserved design time and investment in me as their designer.

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Drop your question in the form below and I’ll get back to you within 2 business days!

Learn more about the Simply Website package and what’s included by clicking the button below!

Past projects done by Simply by Katie